My blog has been dormant for the past year...ooops! If I am on your RSS feed you've probably wondered why the love has stopped, but according to my Google Analytics I haven't been referred by many other sites.
Instead I have been ramping up my Twitter presence since then so please follow and RT @CardsMerch. I have even live-tweeted a few games. I tweet about baseball, music, tech and other various and sundry interests of mine. Every once in a while you'll see me enter a contest thru RTing, or do a tweetchat labeled #wbchat about finance issues with @wisebread or someone else like @moneycrashers.
But, since this is a blog designed for St. Louis Cardinals info I thought you'd enjoy a few of my favorite and probably the best handles to follow on Twitter concerning the #STLCards.
@Cardinals - The official home of the St. Louis Cardinals for all the latest official news.
@dgoold - STL Post Dispatch columnist and lead beat writer, always excellent and timely info. Also, he does a podcast with @miklasz like this:
Something to listen to on your commutes or when when you hit the bike: latest edition of #BPIB w/ @miklasz #cardinals
— Derrick Goold (@dgoold) August 25, 2014
@LangoschMLB - beat reporter for the Cards, she does a great job and has her own blog at
@UncleCharlie50 - This is Adam Wainwright's official handle, he just went live in the middle of the season and already some of his antics have shown through very clearly.
I've found that the only way to read Harry Potter books aloud to my lil girls is in full character mode. Accents,facial expressions, etc
— Adam Wainwright (@UncleCharlie50) August 10, 2014
So, for all of the fun join with me on Twitter, and you'll never miss any of the happenings.
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